
Master, Co, Ce, 2e, 2o on General Cargo

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
Duration of contract:
Vessel's Type:
General Cargo
Sea-going Experience
2 contracts and more on a similar type of vessels in the rank
English Level
Good and higher
Vacancy posted by
OJ Crew
Job description
Dear Professionals,Royal Wagenborg fleet is expanding and looking for Baltic crews to join their high-quality fleet.OJ Crew provides an opportunity to work with Latvian or Lithuanian employment contracts on behalf of Owners - Royal Wagenborg.We offer contracts with full social security contributions, we take care of all necessary tax deductions and all seafarers receive NET salary after all official tax deductions.Possibility to serve on permanent rotations with very good crew compilations, on modern and young vessels.Once on rotation - Wagenborg also covers STCW documentation refreshing, any endorsements or other documentation - all on employer account - Seafarer does not worry about it.Please follow our updates or page to apply.Currently, OPEN vacancies:MasterChief EngineerChief Officer2nd Engineer2nd OfficerSend your CV`s to email or apply to any direct vacancy on

Job Summary

Published on: 2022-05-06 11:02:42

Vacancy ID: 106923

Contract duration: Various

Salary: 6000-8000 $ per month

Start date: Various

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