
Nurse on Passenger Ship

Sea Jobs details

Nurse Vacancy



12 months


4 months

Your intended destination
Medically qualified care of the guests and the crew
Support of the ship's doctor in carrying out the consultation hours as well as joint responsibility for administrative tasks, for example reporting in English
Carrying out various examinations (laboratory, EKG)
Care of passengers and crew members in the inpatient and intensive care hospital area during office hours and on-call duty
Your previous course
Training & exams as a health care worker
Several years of professional experience, of which at least 6 months in emergency medicine (intensive care unit, emergency room or anesthesia)
Very good knowledge of English and a good knowledge of MS Office
Independence, independent work and the ability to work in a team

Job Summary

Published on: 2022-01-20 06:00:44

Vacancy ID: 101270

Contract duration: 4 months


Start date: 31.01.2022

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