
Chief Engineer on LPG

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
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Vessel's Type:
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas carrier)
Vacancy posted by
Crew Recruitment Services
Job description
Chief Engineer for LPG. Возможен старт в должности и переход с другого флота!Type - LPG/C Fully pressurized DWT - 5000 - 11000 Salary – 11450$Re-joining, seniority and loyalty monthly bonusesDuration - 4 (+/-1) monthsJoining – march - april.Trading - WWCrew - mixRequirements - Good English; Gas Diploma holders are preferable; under 57 y. o. E-mail:emailontact us:+38 093 53 67 276+38 095 412 29 98

Job Summary

Published on: 2023-03-15 04:48:04

Vacancy ID: 127882

Contract duration: 4+/-1

Salary: 11450 $ per month

Start date: 05.04.2023

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4 months
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