
Second Engineer on Bulk Carrier

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
Duration of contract:
4 months
Vessel's Type:
Bulk Carrier
Year built
Sea-going Experience
3 contracts and more on a similar type of vessels in the rank
English Level
Good and higher
Visa USA
Vacancy posted by
D&D crewing services
Job description
Professional, English- speaking 2E with USA visa on hands is needed for BC / 33422 dwt, 2011 yo, 5 months contract, mixed crew, With full Covid vaccination.Only for Ukrainian seafarers who are out of Ukraine, or for Ukrainian seafarers who are above 60 years old.Russian seafarers are not considered.

Job Summary

Published on: 2023-03-26 07:45:59

Vacancy ID: 128245

Contract duration: 4 months

Salary: 7500 $ per month

Start date: 15.05.2023

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Other Second Engineer sea jobs

4 months
7200-8000 $ per month