
Chief Officer on Jack Up

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Vessel's Type:
Jack Up
English Level
Good and higher
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Job description
We are searching for:CHIEF OFFICER for Jack UP SP- LOCATION: Persian Gulf- ROTATION: 3/3- SALARY: 450 USD per day- JOIN DATE: 30 September 2023Marlins Test not less than 80% on each position is a must, age limit 50 y/o.If you CV is suitable our team will contact you.When applying the CV pls indicate in the theme of your email - the Position you have applied for.Please send CVs on our email address: email

Job Summary

Published on: 2023-09-18 09:53:59

Vacancy ID: 138641

Contract duration: 3/3

Salary: 13500 $ per month

Start date: 30/09/2023

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