
Fitter on Bulk Carrier

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
Duration of contract:
3 months
Vessel's Type:
Bulk Carrier
Vacancy posted by
Job description
Vessel type:Bulk carrierBuild year:2011Vessel flag:NetherlandsDWT:33158Main engine:B&W 6500 kWAdditional infoWe are looking for fitter with very good English, good and stable experience on bulk carriers. Embarkation will take place in the beginning of January in Panama or Canada (if in Canada then canadian visa will be required). +79062169868 Elena +79637376536 email

Job Summary

Published on: 2023-11-26 11:49:47

Vacancy ID: 141894

Contract duration: 3 months

Salary: 3400 € per month

Start date: 05.01.2024

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