
Second Engineer on Refrigerator

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
Duration of contract:
4 months +/-1
Vessel's Type:
Sea-going Experience
2 contracts and more on any type of vessels in the rank
English Level
Average and higher
Vacancy posted by
OJ Crew
Job description
On behalf of our Client, we are looking for a 2nd Engineer to join on a Reefer vessel.Conditions:Salary: 6800 USD NETContract duration: 4 monthsJoining: 25.12.2023Requirements:Good EnglishValid STCW certificatesMedical certificateVaccination against COVIDPrevious experience in rank with similar 2 stroke enginesVessel info:GT: 5100 DWT: 5937ME: B&W 2 strokePlease apply online to or send your CV to email

Job Summary

Published on: 2023-12-03 06:35:10

Vacancy ID: 142006

Contract duration: 4 months +/-1

Salary: 2300 $ per month

Start date: 25.12.2023

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