
Second Engineer on Crude oil tanker

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
Duration of contract:
Vessel's Type:
Crude oil tanker
Sea-going Experience
2 contracts and more on a same type of vessels in the rank
English Level
Good and higher
Vacancy posted by
Master LTD
Job description
For big Greece Company with good reputation we are looking for the candidates fr the position of 2nd Engineer to join Crude Oil Tanker. Mix crew on board, Good English is must. DWT 170000. Wage 10400 USD, Contract 5 months.Please contact +380636369609 Alexandra (WhatsApp, Viber); +380990120006 Elena, +380933932473 Maria (WhatsApp, Viber)

Job Summary

Published on: 2023-12-03 06:36:16

Vacancy ID: 142038

Contract duration: 5

Salary: 10400 $ per month

Start date: 15.12.2023

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4 months
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