
Electrical Engineer on Container Ship

Sea Jobs details

Join date:
Duration of contract:
4 months
Vessel's Type:
Container Ship
Sea-going Experience
2 contracts and more on a similar type of vessels in the rank
English Level
Good and higher
Vacancy posted by
OJ Crew
Job description
Our respected Client is looking for an ETO to join their Container Ship.Requirements:Experience in rank; Experience taking care of repair worksValid STCW documents, Medical certificate;Conditions:Salary: 5276 USD NETContract duration: 4 monthsJoining: 10-15 June 2024Vessel info:NordpacificFlag: CyprusGT: 28433Please apply online to or send your CV to: email

Job Summary

Published on: 2024-05-29 10:46:10

Vacancy ID: 147526

Contract duration: 4 months

Salary: 5276 $ per month

Start date: 10-15.06.2024

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Other Electrical Engineer sea jobs

4 months
5800-6300 $ per month